Declarations of
We, the united
students and advisors of STAND, are a microcosm of a changing society who
will work and learn in a world of cultural and ethnic diversity, and are
committed to create an environment that fosters:
1. Recognition
of the need for human rights and individual dignity through self-respect
and respect for others.
2. Empowerment
of students and staff with the skills for responsible decision-making,
problem solving, conflict resolution, and social action.
3.Development of
cross-cultural interdependence through an exchange of knowledge,
traditions, and perspectives.
4. Curriculum that accurately
represents the contributions of all people, is free of cultural
stereotypes, and addresses prejudice.
Acceptance and appreciation of individual and cultural distinctions
through positive interaction with other students and staff.
Equal access to all levels of academic and extra-curricular opportunities.
Safety and the ability to function without fear, underscores by a sense of
freedom and liberty.
8. A society appreciate of
diversity by promoting community service for students and actively
involving the community in students' lives at school and beyond.